NaNoWriMo – Is It Time to Dig That Novel Idea Out of The Drawer

I have a love-hate relationship with NaNoWriMo. For those of you who are yet to discover it, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. Taking place during November every year, participants are encouraged to aim for a total of 50,000 written words during the period. Continue reading NaNoWriMo – Is It Time to Dig That Novel Idea Out of The Drawer

Writing Retreats – Are They an Essential Part of a Writer’s Work Schedule?

Whilst writer’s retreats seem to be gaining in popularity over the past few years, I am yet to attend one! Each time I flick through my Twitter feed, I’m guaranteed to spot the pictures displayed from a writer friend or colleague or somebody in the profession who has just come back from a writing retreat. Continue reading Writing Retreats – Are They an Essential Part of a Writer’s Work Schedule?

Why Journaling Can Derive the Same Effects as Adult Colouring

With adult colouring fever recently sweeping the nation, I have loved coming across the hundreds of uniquely designed colouring books displayed prominently in all book stores. From Harry Potter to Lord of The Rings and unicorns to cats, it seems there is no end to this most relaxing trend! Continue reading Why Journaling Can Derive the Same Effects as Adult Colouring

Is an MA in Creative Writing Required to Write A Book?

A few years back, I was surprised to learn that one of my all-time favourite female writers, Jeanette Winterson, had agreed to take up a place as Professor of Creative Writing at The University of Manchester. Whilst it isn’t odd to discover a writer working at a university, after all they are indeed the experts, it was rather Jeanette’s choice of courses that I questioned the reasoning behind. Continue reading Is an MA in Creative Writing Required to Write A Book?

Writer’s Block – A Real Problem or Simply a Myth?

As a writer myself, who better than to talk about the often-taboo subject of writer’s block! Having written my entire life, I have had the odd day here and there, and possibly a week or two, whereby the words simply did not flow as they should. The time when inspiration deserted me, leaving me for new horizons and forcing me to face the real world! Continue reading Writer’s Block – A Real Problem or Simply a Myth?